Al Maghrib - 1st year - No 14 - May 17 1937
No to the Berber Policy
Unified systems of justice and education for all
The Moroccan nation fully grasps the intentions of the Berber policy and the aims of the supporters from colonialist circles who seek their implementation by what ever means justified.
In 1930, the nation clarified its position and expressed anger against this political provocation. Since then, each year on May 16 it organizes large protest demonstrations to voice its indignation loudly and clearly. This movement will remain on this course as long as representatives of the administration continue to flirt with their aims and persist on the execution of their aggressive designs.
The negative impact of the May 16 Decree on the Moroccan society as a whole can be erased only by the repeal of this decree. This would render obsolete all associated rules and regulations including ministerial ordinances and official guidelines.
The Moroccan nation has reiterated on numerous occasions its opposition to the Berber Policy as well as its categorical refusal to condone its implementation on either administrative or legislative fronts. It has always maintained that it remains deeply committed at what ever cost to its religious values and to its national and linguistic unity.
Its demands on this matter can be summed up with two points:
The renunciation of the Berber Policy with all it implies with respect to proselytizing and the weakening of the authority of the Moroccan government.
Unified systems of justice and education (for all citizens).