Al Maghrib - April 21, 1937.
It is a sad circumstance for our people to whom the Almighty has barred access to his mercy and who beg for a morsel of bread to survive from one day to the next without knowing what crime they committed in life to deserve such punishment from their Creator. They have neglected their duties through futile pursuits and the sanctions to which they have been exposed are commensurate with the transgressions charged against them. Verily, before imploring for mercy , we must not forget to do our duty and to distance ourselves from the wrongful doings to which we have so comfortably become accustomed. It is hardly possible to cross a city street or to wander through a gathering in the countryside without having the impression that the soul is slowly detaching itself from the body, and without the divine teaching coming to mind immediately that "The Almighty never changes the condition of men until they have changed that which they hold deep inside." Deep inside where degradation and debasement thrive due to desolation and misery.
If it was possible, so early in this paper's existence, to provide more space for this journal to expand the scope of its activities, its would make it possible to pass on all that has been sent to it with respect to the misery and poverty which haunts this nation.
We therefore apologize to all who have written us for not being able to publish all of their comments. We pray to the Almighty to have pity on this weak nation for the sake of its material and moral well-being.