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June 1937

Dear friend and eminent man of letters, Said Hajji

Considering the role played by the great literary figure and genius Egyptian writer, Mustafa Sadek Rafii, whose recent death marked an unrecoverable loss for the Arab world and for Islam, we have decided that it was our duty to commemorate this person without equal on the fortieth day of his passing. We do so on the one hand in regards to his invaluable service rendered to Arabic literature and on the other in response to the spirit of solidarity which spurs us to associate with our Arab brethren on days of celebration as well as on days of adversity. We wish to express the intensity of the feelings that resound in us following this tragic event. The ceremony will be held on June 24, 1937 in Fez.

Since you were a fervent supporter of Rafii who always saw him as one of the most worthy representatives of contemporary Arab literature and since in this regard you are amongst the most qualified to accomplish this literary task with regards to the deceased, we ask you to participate in this commemorative gathering. Your inspiration will awaken your feelings of respect and consideration on behalf of this man and the works he has bequeathed to us. We hope to receive the text of your particpation before the 22nd of this month and we thank you in advance.

For the Commemorative Committee,

Abdelkrim Ghallab