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Al Maghrib, June 2, 1937

The celebration at the Franco-Moroccan Kid's Culb took place in an atmosphere rarely felt in Moroccan society. Moroccans and French were very pleased and gave testimony to each others' respect and consideration. The celebration was capped off by the visit of the Prince of the Atlas, who was warmly received by all attendees. As for us, we are delighted that he strives towards strengthening the bond between Moroccans and the French by searching for areas of common interest and friendship between the two parties. We are disposed to expound on this rapprochement and give it the necessary publicity because we are absolutely convinced that as this relationship matures it will bear fruit for both sides and will serve the interests of both countries. We can engage in this venture on one condition without which it will be difficult for us to believe in this rapprochement and even less to entertain a campaign to win the favor of the Moroccan public.

This condition is that the French recognize Moroccans as a nation with the right to exist and that it can enjoy this right. The partisans of this rapprochement must take action to fight against anything that might impair the dignity of the Moroccan nation and fight against any segregationist policies with regards to political, economic or cultural matters. It is only then that members of this club can count on Moroccans to support the rapprochement and support a climate of understanding between the French and Moroccans . Only on this condition can true cooperation be established to reinforce the bonds between the children of the Atlas and those of the Seine. It is therefore up to the club members to answer this call by supporting the struggle we wage for the rights of the Moroccan nation and only then can we live in a new and friendly atmosphere.