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"Al Taqaddoum" - No 15 - March 23, 1942

We lost our friend Said. This loss filled our heart with sadness. The announcement of his death was felt like a great calamity and an immense damage for the young Moroccans who work for the evolution and the progress of their country. The man who just passed away did not belong to this ordinary youth which did not prevail by any distinctive value in the social life. He counted among the number of this minority which put its life at the service of the nation and made immense sacrifices to fulfil its obligations towards its country in many constructive fields which it considered as preliminary stages of the evolution that will contribute to raise the level of the Moroccan milieu. Said had many outstanding gifts and was endowed with natural qualities of mind and character to render great services to his brothers of misfortune. He initiated projects and created productive activities. He managed to overcome all the difficulties that he met when problems emerged or situations suddenly became complicated. He proved to be patient and capable of endurance by facing the shocks which shook him, and redoubled his efforts by mobilizing all the resources of his energy to conclude the tasks which he had set for his own.

Actually, although his life was of a very short duration, it was marked from the beginning to the end by an exceptional overactivity. He gave never signs of lassitude or discouragement until the day when his heart stopped beating. If we want to analyse the psychology of this active young man whose death came to put an end to a short period of our history that he impregnated with a resolute and incisive involvement in various fields, it will be most difficult for us to make an exhaustive study or to master it in this succint article, because Said was characterized by qualities which were seldom joined together in another person But this does not prevent us from giving of these qualities at least a summary outline.

Said was a man with a great lightning intellect, and the characteristic of the intelligence is to spread its light around it. The nature awarded him a grant of a nobility of character and a lucidity of spirit which largely contributed to raise the admiration of all those who knew him and could detect, thanks to his methods of research and analysis, the signs of the fundamental truths and their supreme objectives; this in addition to his conception and serene vision of life and to his firm will to achieve his goals. There is nothing astonishing in all this, because one of his main characteristics was to work within the limits of the thought and vice versa. This quality was one of the most obvious of his distinguishing features. He never thought in a utopian way in the manner of many of our young people who were driven in a vast space of fiction without any link between the fictional account of life and the reality of their situation and that of their environment.

This was a manifestation of the moral strength of Said and made his reputation in all milieus. He formulated acerbic criticisms againt these sterile and chimerical methods of which he has, of experiment, seized the uselessness. He always avoided to go along this way where he would have wasted his time with futilities without any relationship with his philosophy of life. In the meetings, he had the art to bring back with tact and delicacy those among the assistance who let themselves carry by the springs of their imagination to the reality of the phenomena which were of an undeniable social interest.

Such are some of the meritorious qualities which hallowed Said. We are dismayed and afflicted by the departure of a friend in the flower of his age, at a moment when he was entirely devoted to the cause of the press and to the problems of the Moroccan youth. May God have him in his holy mercy and cover with a roof of patience and comfort the members of his family, his friends and acquaintances.

Ahmed Nejjar