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The cultural supplement of the newspaper, Al Maghrib, No. 9, page 131, June 9, 1938

The present time is characterized by the ability of man to enjoy freedoms that were lacking in the past. Humanity thus has taken a giant leap forward intellectually and tangibly; it has subjugated forces to which it once was subjected. Knowledge's horizons expanded to include even the remotest areas of human awareness. New criteria emerged setting up new standards of reference. Human conduct is profiled using new visions. Interactions between parties have been influenced by changes in the habits and behavior of society in the various branches of human activity. Even the governing regimes had to adapt to this new environment. The freedom that man won in this new lifestyle is not at the mercy of political or economic happenstance. It is preserved jealously as an unalienable gift. It is one that does not suffer any doubt no matter what hue of life and what course humans take under the influence of factors common to the entire nation. For life progresses as a whole and not simply in some of his aspects. Today, nations are formed by groups of individuals shaped by an upbringing that removes the veil of stagnation and submission to reactionary power, a veil which previously wedged itself against their knowledge and enlightenment.

Organizations also evolved under the influence of the changes that disrupted the international community. They focus on satisfying the needs of their members by being at their service. Even the most notorious autocrat is careful to not push their interests ahead of those of the nation placed under their rule. Moreover they use every opportunity to tout and demonstrate proof of the efforts that they pretend to have undertaken in that interest. They know that otherwise their authority would soon be reversed by citizens of a mature civilized nation who know fully well their rights and who would never accept to give them up -- just as they are aware of their duties and need to fulfill them.

This of course applies to developed nations that have recognized the right to enjoy the freedoms mentioned above. As for nations, like ours, that are still locked up with the chains of stagnation and have not liberated themselves from the reactionary thinking that keeps them in servitude, their lives will wither. Instead of moving forward they will be condemned to take steps backward for they operate in an environment where freedom is stifled, lacking its pure air that is so indispensable. Just as it is impossible for plants and animals to remain alive without air, our nation can not live without freedom. A life without air attracts all sorts of sources of infection and presents a permanent danger of contamination to all that surround it.

And so it is in Morocco, today. The negative sides of life multiply, institutional organization has grown lax, the economic and social status is at its lowest levels. All this is because freedom is nonexistent. Nations who are deprived from inspiring freedom are doomed to die. Destined to be eternally ruined. The freedom which we need more than all the other nations combined is not confined to a single aspect of life. Instead it involves numerous social sectors, political and economic entities and associative organizations. It covers our cultural aspirations and determines our artistic tastes. The specter of inaction and stagnation glides on its wings everywhere we point our gaze. The most mature of us dare not criticize their social milieu. And someone with the courage of his convictions is unable to welcome criticism with gratitude and an open mind in order to effectively address the weaknesses that have untied the tongues of their detractors.

One can say the same for other aspects of life, where we are nothing more than slaves of tradition, keen on anecdotal stories and carried by a stream down a drain where individual and collective freedom is totally absent. Where we refrain from any criticism or from any form of thinking. We subsist with a certain automatic behavior; we jump when hear a shout, grow angry when criticized and back off in fear when in need of reform. We need to understand that criticism is an important aspect in the search for truth as well a stimulant to more in depth knowledge. We must not fear it. On the contrary we must embrace it with open arms and invite it in to all areas so it can spread its enlightenment. And only then can we become aware of the value of freedom and what it can allow us to do.

If criticism is at the root of any reform, it can not exist as long as we put a barrier between freedom and ourselves. As long as we struggle and campaign against those who would speak bluntly against us, we must not refuse to accept criticisms of our mistakes or to refuse to accept any reproach of our dissatisfaction. If we love freedom, it is imperative that we live it. Then we can appreciate the true value of criticism and see it as the path which leads to reform and the means to prepare us for a modern lifestyle.