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  • Chief Executive Officer(CEO) of Public Education to the CEO of Indigenous Affairs

February 20, 1930

On several occasions you have kindly brought to my attention that young Moroccans, most notably from the Spanish Zone, have come to Nablus in Palestine for pursuing their Arabic studies. On my part I have learned that this city and its university has attracted the attention of several Moroccans from the French Zone.

Mr. Terrasse, Professor at the Moroccan Institute of Higher Learning, recently completed a tour through Palestine and Syria and obtained information with regards to Nablus. This city has a reputation for fanaticism among Muslims and xenophobia. Nevertheless there is an American Catholic institution whose level of instruction is rather mediocre. According to Mr. Terasse's impressions the Americans are conducting an underhanded campaign within Islamic circles against all that is European, even all that is English.

This leads us to believe that if Moroccans in Nablus are neither acquiring some cultural development nor a very modern education, then they are receiving lessons in nationalism and fanaticism whose costs are borne by the colonial powers.